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When we give ourselves compassion, we are opening our hearts in a way that can transform our lives.” – Kristin Neff

Person-centred Counselling

Person-centred counselling is where clients take the lead in the sessions. They are not offered solutions; the therapist, or counsellor, is a facilitator in the room, gently guiding the client on their journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance and allowing positive growth. The client does most of the talking and the therapist listens and reflects, sometimes challenging the client in a safe and thought-provoking way, allowing the client to self-reflect and develop at their own pace.


A person-centred therapist will use the three core conditions which Carl Rogers, the founder of person-centred therapy, put forward as being essential in the healing relationship:


  1. Unconditional positive regard, which means therapists must be empathetic and non-judgmental to convey their feelings of understanding, trust, and confidence that encourage their clients to make their own decisions and choices;

  2. Empathetic understanding, which means therapists completely understand and accept their clients’ thoughts and feelings;

  3. Congruence, which means therapists carry no air of authority or professional superiority but, instead, present a true and accessible self that clients can see is honest and transparent.


Person-centred therapy can be long or short-term, lasting from anywhere between, for example, 10 weeks up to several years, depending upon the complexity of the case. The therapist and client will have regular reviews during the course of the therapy and the therapist will consult with a supervisor during the duration of the sessions.


Person-centred Counselling
Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy is sometimes confused with stage Hypnosis, where a person allows the hypnotist to put suggestions in to their unconscious and makes them behave in a way which entertains an audience.


In actual fact, when you are under hypnosis, you are in a trance-like state or in a deep state of relaxation, during which time the therapist can reduce your levels of stress and anxiety by giving you calming messages. They can also give you suggestions for behaviour changes in a safe, peaceful, relaxed environment, which in itself makes you more receptive to positive suggestion.


Whilst under hypnosis, you are always in control. It is not possible to ask you to do anything against your will. If at any time you feel you need to, you are able to break the hypnotic state. Being in a deeply relaxed state, your conscious mind can relax, allowing the unconscious mind to process all that the therapist says to you.


Hypnosis is used for issues such as phobias, weight loss, pain control, public speaking, self-confidence, exam nerves, stress and anxiety disorders and much much more.


Clinica Hypnotherapy

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)


Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a psychological approach that involves analysing strategies used by successful individuals and applying them to reach a personal goal. It relates thoughts, language and patterns of behaviour learned through experience to specific outcomes. 


NLP was developed in the early 1970s by an associate professor of linguistics, John Grinder, and a psychology student, Richard Bandler at the University of California at Santa Cruz.


ANLP defines NLP as a collection of models, techniques and strategies for modelling excellence, in order to help us better understand how our thought processes and behaviour, including how the language we use, influences the way we think and the results we get. Modelling excellence in any field enables us to bring about a positive change in ourselves and others.


In a nutshell, NLP helps us get out of unhealthy traits and replace them with positive thoughts and patterns that promote wholeness and wellbeing.


NLP has been able to help people with a range of issues which include fear of flying, smoking, weight loss, phobias, exam or interview nerves.


Mindfulness / Meditation


Mindfulness is all about focussing one's thoughts on the present moment. It is a state of being in the present, our body and thoughts at one with what is happening to us in the present.


Whilst practising mindfulness our minds cannot dwell upon the past or worry about the future. We are in the present and therefore nothing that has happened in the past or may happen in the future can affect us. All you need is somewhere quiet to sit for a few minutes. Become grounded and aware of your breathing. Slow it down and concentrate on how every part of your body is feeling. Don't become impatient with your mind if you find it constantly wandering, just keep bringing it back to the present and concentrate on your breath. Keep practising and it will get easier to do this in time.


Everyone is able to practice mindfulness; it can help you, whatever your beliefs or faith. Just a few minutes of mindfulness every day reduces stress and anxiety and will leave you feeling calm and in control. It has been scientifically proven that if you practice mindfulness, it will help you as an individual and therefore everyone you come in to contact with. When I feel myself getting stressed, I now find myself automatically start to breath more deeply and I become consciously aware of the effect my breath is having on my mind and body. I become calmer within minutes (rather than the hours and days of yester-year) and the stress leaves my body before it becomes unmanageable.


Give it a go!                   


Mindful Meditation
Relaxation 12 mins
00:00 / 12:02
Guided Recordings
5 mins Relaxation - The Breath
00:00 / 08:09
Sleep 31 mins
00:00 / 31:17
Just Relax 30 mins
00:00 / 30:57
Relaxation and sleep 30 mins
00:00 / 30:11
Guided Relaxation 33 mins
00:00 / 34:36
Stress Powerpoint

Photographs by Marc O'Shea

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